Monday, September 22, 2014

Expect the Unexpected

These past few weeks have been a whirlwind, but from the moment I stepped off the plane I’ve experienced an overwhelming sense of peace. The Lord has continued to reveal his faithfulness to me through his provision even in the most intricate of details. I absolutely love my host family and the team I’ll be working closely with this year. Everyone is so different, but it’s been amazing to see how the power of the gospel binds believers together so quickly (1 Cor. 12:12-13). I’ve already been into two of the (hopefully) four schools I’ll be working in this year. Two are primary schools (1st-5th grade) and two are secondary (6th-10th grade). In these schools we arrive around 12, eat lunch with the kids, and then head to the classrooms. The teachers are extremely happy to have any kind of assistance, so we just jump in with the kids and help wherever we can. Last week we even talked about prayer as part of the religious education (R.E.) curriculum. I was shocked when I heard how much the kids knew ABOUT prayer, but was saddened to find that only about 3 of the 25 actually attended church regularly. These children are ready and open to hear the truth of the gospel. They just need someone to share the love of Christ with them. My prayer is that they would begin to understand Christianity not as a religion, but as a relationship with the God who uniquely created them and deeply loves them. I’ve also begun getting to know the students in our church youth group. They are extremely intelligent, and my prayer is that barriers would continue to be broken down so that I can get to know them on a deeper level and encourage them in their walks with Christ. They too are ready to flourish and grow. They just need to be pushed and encouraged to do so. 

Overall, I know there is much work to be done here, but the Lord has challenged me to begin to pray big prayers. Do I really believe he is who he says he is? Do I trust he is going to do what he says he is going to do? These are the questions that have continually been on my mind since I arrived here. I’ve recognized that my view of God is far too small, and even when I don’t realize it, I automatically begin to limit him when I try to think “rationally” or “realistically” instead of asking him to move and to work in whatever way he sees fit. Thus, my desire is to see God do absolutely incredible things this year—things I never even believed possible. I want to rely more on the Holy Spirit for guidance and direction instead of trying to plan everything out myself. I have no doubt he has placed me here for a specific purpose and has already ordained the conversations I will have with students in and out of the classroom. Please continue to pray that the Lord will give me boldness, and that I will continually rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to reveal to me the relationships I need to invest in and to open up doors for intentional conversations. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers. Knowing that I have so many lifting me and my team up to the Lord means more to me than I could ever express. 

“Peace be to the brothers (and sisters), and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible.” Ephesians 6:23-24 

1 comment:

  1. Bethany, your post has blessed me tremendously and it's great to have specific things to pray for. I truly believe you have been called by God to this ministry! Thank you for your report and I look forward to the next one. Of course your Mom is faithful to keep me posted in between blogs! I love you!!!
