Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Beauty of Surrender

First off, I want to thank everyone who has chosen to support me financially and/or pray for me over this next year. I know this journey wouldn't be possible without you, and it absolutely means the world to me to know that the Body of Christ is actively lifting me up in prayer.

Over the past several months as I've been preparing to travel to England the Lord has laid on my heart several passages of Scripture. Since I've always struggled with the fear of rejection when it comes to sharing my faith, He has continuously reminded me that He did not give us, as His children, a spirit of fear (2 Tim. 1:6-7). Thus, any fears and insecurities I have are not of Him, which means it is my responsibility to continually pray against them and keep my eyes fixed on the only One who possesses the ability to draw men to Himself (Col. 2:13-15). I must remember that my job is simply to be obedient to what He's called me to do, which is to boldly proclaim the truth of the gospel to the people of England, and more specifically the Tees Valley (Eph. 6:17-20). My prayer is that I would daily present myself to the Lord as a clean vessel (2 Tim. 2:20-21) and willingly offer my body as a living sacrifice (Rom. 12:1-2), which will require a daily renewing of my mind and a conscious effort to think on the things that are true, honorable, and pure (Philip. 4:8). Although this will be difficult at times, Scripture is clear that only when we hand over our lives to Christ can we experience true freedom and joy (Gal. 5:1;13). One of the gap year workers posted this quote from Oswald Chambers on our Facebook page, and I believe it sums up this point beautifully:

"Put everything in your life afloat upon God, going out to sea on the great swelling tide of His purpose, and your eyes will be opened. If you believe in Jesus, you are not to spend all your time in the calm waters just inside the harbor, full of joy, but always tied to the dock. You have to get out past the harbor into the great depths of God, and begin to know things for yourself-begin to have spiritual discernment." -My Utmost For His Highest  

With your prayers and support along with the Lord's guidance this is what I desire to do, and my hope is that you too would be willing to let go of the fears and insecurities that are holding you back and surrender your life to Christ in order to fully experience the freedom and joy He has waiting for you. Thank you again for your prayers and support. As I leave tomorrow for England I can't wait to keep you updated on all the Lord is doing!

In Him,
Bethany Laughlin  

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